Admissions Coaching

Don't leave your university dreams to chance. With Icon, you'll be equipped to navigate the application process with clarity, confidence, and a compelling story that sets you apart.

Why Icon Education?


Our Promise

We get you into your dream school with as little stress as possible. Icon helps you navigate the complexities of the college application process while aligning your current academic and extra-curricular activities.


Our Process

We provide holistic guidance. All successful applications follow our proven, time-tested ACE methodology:
  • Ace your standardised tests
  • Curate your application material
  • Execute your plan

Our Commitment

We get you into your dream school with as little stress as possible. Icon helps you navigate the complexities of the college application process while aligning your current academic and extra-curricular activities.

Our Coaches

Meet the team behind Icon

Our coaches' qualifications are important but we place just as much emphasis, if not more, on their sound pedagogical approaches and investment in their clients.

Coaches Yi-min

Yi Lam

BSc (UOT); PhD (UC Berkeley)


Edwin Neo

BEng & MSc (NTU); JD (SMU)

Kush Headshot-min

Khush Saraf

BA (NUS); MSt (Oxford)

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Sharon Ng


This is what we do best.


Whether you need interview preparation, essay editing, an end-to-end Common App essay overhaul, or help crafting strategic positioning narratives, our personalised college admissions consulting services will be able to assist you in every aspect of your application.

Admission Letter

Application Strategy

• Take a strategic approach to the application process by matching your strengths, academic results and extracurricular activities to your universities of choice

• Explore courses and school options based on your interests, strengths, preferences and career goals

• Construct your own personalised application strategy, from school selection to personal branding, to get the best results

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Application Planning

• All successful applications follow our ACE methodology.

• Detailed timelines help you keep track of your tests and application deadlines.

• Regular check-ins and coaching sessions keep you accountable and ensure that you are consistently working toward your goals.

• Progress reports ensure that you keep to the game plan and help you course-correct if you slip up or miss your targets.
Certified Document


• Systematically build your own application portfolio to demonstrate your passions & academic interests.

• Work through your application requirements in an organised, mindful, intentional and timely manner.

• Collate and curate all components of your application to fit admission requirements and deadlines
Assignments Done

Essay Writing

We work with you to enhance and refine your essay to reflect maturity of thought, deep interest, intellectual curiosity and other personal attributes that will help your application stand out.

CV Sharing

Interview Prep

Comprehensive interview preparation for different types of interview format.
Diverging Paths

Plan B

Manage waitlist decisions and formulate Plan B.

What We Do Best.

Apply Smarter & Win Bigger with Our Proven Application Strategy.

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Academic Pathway


Icon aims to not only get students into university, but also to help them thrive throughout their university career.

🇬🇧 UK Admission


Begin your journey with us. Getting to know you better will help us prepare and customise your roadmap to success.

Top Tip

If you are applying to Oxbridge, we will also provide you with targeted advice to tackle any additional assessments and interviews. Being able to demonstrate keen academic aptitude and passion for your course will be of paramount importance in your application, and our coaches will work with you to get there.

How We Can Help

Our coaches will provide guidance on every aspect of the application, clarifying your academic and non-academic goals to ensure that we compile an optimal university list.

Our Approach

We will take a meticulous approach in refining your personal statement so that it reflects your personal brand and is backed up by a well-rounded academic portfolio. 

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🇺🇸 US Admissions


Begin your journey with us. Getting to know you better will help us prepare and customise your roadmap to success.

Top Tip

If you are applying to the Ivy League (Brown University, Columbia University, Cornell University, Dartmouth College, Harvard University, Princeton University, University of Pennsylvania, Yale University) or any other highly competitive university (such as MIT, CalTech etc), you may choose to accelerate the application timeline by putting in an Early Action or Early Decision application. 

How We Can Help

Our expert coaches will guide you on navigating the process—from coming up with a strategic school list to planning out your application timeline, and refining all parts of your application including your essays, activities list, academic portfolio and more. 

Our Approach

The US admissions process is notoriously difficult to manage with multiple moving parts. While your grades and academic performance are important, colleges want to understand who you are as a person. 

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💉 Medicine


Begin your journey with us. Getting to know you better will help us prepare and customise your roadmap to success.


If you’re an aspiring doctor, you’ve probably heard how rigorous the admissions process can be. Acceptance rates usually fall between 10 and 20%, and can be even more selective if you are applying as an international student.

Our Track Record

We have helped students get into highly selective undergraduate and postgraduate programs globally, with longstanding success in Singapore, UK, Australia. 

We have worked with many academically bright students (read: straight A’s) who seek help after getting a rejection letter.

83% of students we have worked with succeed on their first attempt.

How We Can Help

Our clients outperform standard acceptance rates by a huge margin, it’s so clear to us that they have a significantly better chance of getting an offer if they do it right the first time!

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💼 Law


Begin your journey with us. Getting to know you better will help us prepare and customise your roadmap to success.


It can be quite daunting to decide to study a subject that’s typically not offered at the secondary level, but law remains a popular subject choice for many.

How We Can Help

Our coaches will work with you on a plan to secure an offer at your school of choice. We offer guidance on evaluating and leveraging your extracurricular activities to build a stellar academic portfolio, how to manage extra reading to learn more about the subject, how to tackle interviews and more.

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🎓 MBA/Post-Graduate


Begin your journey with us. Getting to know you better will help us prepare and customise your roadmap to success.


Post-graduate education is becoming increasingly popular and the landscape has grown increasingly competitive in the past few years.

Top Tip

Investing into postgraduate education should be a well-thought out process: it is important to clearly articulate your goals and motivations as well as your value proposition. By understanding who you are and what you want, you will avoid unnecessary u-turns that cost you time and money. 

How We Can Help

We offer comprehensive preparation from refining your statement of purpose, business school essays.

Our Approach

Wherever you are in your postgraduate application process, we will work together with you to come up with a detailed plan that fits your time, budget and goals.

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Launch To Your Future


Would you like a headstart in preparing for university?

With university admissions becoming increasingly competitive, students are hard-pressed to start preparations earlier to position themselves strategically. That can be challenging because students do not always know what they want to do so far ahead of their high school graduation.

The Launch programme is structured to guide students aged 15 to 17 to identify their interests through a self-discovery profiling tool, figure out and embrace their authentic selves, set their goals and strategise how to achieve them.

Regular check-ins with coaches will support and keep students accountable and on task so that they gain clarity and confidence about their future paths. Upon completion of the programme, students will have a strong foundation to put their university applications together.


Over 80% of our clients were accepted to NUS and NTU-Imperial MBBS programmes

We love it when our students share their success stories with us so we can brag about it.

“I am a very satisfied with Icon - help was rendered from the beginning until the end. My consultant was very thorough when assisting me with my personal statement and made sure that I was well prepared for my University applications. Thank you!”

Min Han

- Admission Coaching